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Mustard Plant usually in North India is called as ‘’sarso’’ which is reaped in winter seasons. It has a different name in different languages likely in Gujarati it is called ‘’Raai’’ Punjabi ‘’sarson’’ further as it more. All parts of the mustard plant are wholesome including its seeds, leaves, and flowers; Black mustard seeds come from Brassica nigra. Mustard seeds are still very famous in the Middle East and Asia Minor where they originated. Brassica juncea is the plant that originates Brown mustard seeds. There are different varieties of brown mustard seeds it also often called as Chinese mustard, Indian mustard or Oriental mustard ranges from those with a dark brown seed coat to others that are yellow dark.

                    Yellow mustard comes from the seeds of the white mustard plant, It is not as closely related to the other two types of mustard seeds as they are to each other. Black mustard seeds have been used since ancient times. Brown mustard mostly found in the Himalayans and has virtually replaced by black mustard in American and British kitchens. There are over so many varieties of mustard plants, but three are the most recommended for culinary use; black, brown, and white mustard seeds.

Benefits of Mustard Seeds
Since the mustard plant is also from the same family as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli, the mustard seeds being naturally packed with minerals and are rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorous. Traditional medicine has utilized mustard seeds to relieve from cold symptoms, aid in digestion, reduce aches and pains, respiratory issues & so on.

1. Anti-cancer Properties

Being a Brassica family’s member, the seeds of the mustard plant contain huge amounts of healthy phytonutrients called glucosinolates which can prove valuable against various cancers such as the bladder, colon, and cervical cancer. According to the studies published in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology, mustard seeds may have chemopreventive potential and protect against toxic effects of carcinogens. A group of researchers found that allyl isothiocyanate-rich mustard seed powder may help lower the risk of bladder cancer. A study led by Yuan finds that mustard seeds perhaps help in prevent cancer such as colon cancer due to presence of anti-oxidants. Various Studies have proved that the anti-cancer effects of these components inhibiting the extension of cancer cells and even guard against the formation of malignant cells. 

2. Relief in Contact Dermatitis

Mustard seeds offer therapeutic relaxation in contact dermatitis. Investigative research has suggested that utilization of its seeds in animal models assist in healing the symptoms associated with contact dermatitis such as to alleviate of tissues and reduction in the ear swelling.

3. Cardiovascular Health

Mustard oil is a healthy choice when it comes to choosing cooking oil. Studies regulated to assess its effects on the patients suspected of a heart-attack demonstrated positive results with due respect to reduction in the range of cardiac arrhythmia, decrease in the ventricular enlargement and the chest pain associated with it.

4. Respiratory Disorders

In traditional medicine, mustard seeds have been used for their therapeutic effects in curing cold and sinus disease. It is thought out a wonderful decongestant and expectorant, which assist in clearing the mucus in the air passage. In Ayurveda, its seeds are observed as a food with the warmer tendency and are prized for its healing effects in calming vata and kapha. Since ages, different homemade remedies have included the usage of mustard seeds or oil for treating a range of sinus-related ailments. 

5. Poison Repulsion

In traditional medicine, it is observed that mustard seeds contain protective emetic qualities, which resist the effects of poison on the body. A liquid made with its seeds benefits in cleansing the body especially if the poisoning is caused by narcotics or over intake of alcohol.

6. Antifungal Effects against Ringworm

Some sources affirm that anti-bacterial substances of mustard seeds have been observed effectively in curing the wound caused by ringworm. Topical application of a paste made of mustard seeds on hygiene and clear skin washed with lukewarm water possess in soothing the symptoms associated with ringworms.

7. Skin & Hair Care

Mustard seeds serve as a wonderful beauty treatment as well. Henna leaves boiled with mustard oil are thought to help to give strength to healthy hair growth. Mustard seeds, fried in sesame or coconut oil, improves the resultant sieved oil and make it credible cure for acne to develop a clearer complexion.

8. Healing Effect on Nerves

In ancient medicine, the mustard plant is examined to have “heat stimulating” nature, which is considered to benefit some individuals facing the problem of nerve damage. It helps in inspiring the healing process by arousing the impulses and has a revitalizing effect on the nerves.


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