HOW MUSTARD SEEDS HELP US TO KEEP DISEASES AWAY Mustard Plant usually in North India is called as ‘’sarso’’ which is reaped in winter seasons. It has a different name in different languages likely in Gujarati it is called ‘’Raai’’ Punjabi ‘’sarson’’ further as it more. All parts of the mustard plant are wholesome including its seeds, leaves, and flowers; Black mustard seeds come from Brassica nigra. Mustard seeds are still very famous in the Middle East and Asia Minor where they originated. Brassica juncea is the plant that originates Brown mustard seeds. There are different varieties of brown mustard seeds it also often called as Chinese mustard, Indian mustard or Oriental mustard ranges from those with a dark brown seed coat to others that are yellow dark. Yellow mustard comes from the seeds of the white mustard pla...
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